Fifteen Minutes of Contemplative Activity a Day
Moving Forward on Any Project in a Contemplative Manner Using Fifteen Minutes A Day In his Pastoral Letter, A Flourishing Apostolic Church, the bishop encourages each of us io deepen our friendship with God by spending at least fifteen minutes of day in whatever form of prayer we find most conducive. My blog, Saint Gabriel Hours encourage everyone to use virtual resources for the Hours at least fifteen minutes a day to discern the place of the Hours in their live One of my graduate mentors, Robert Boice, wrote a book Advice to Young Faculty members demonstrating from his research that is young faculty member who spent small amounts of time regularly in writing, preparing lectures, or interacting with their fellow faculty members were more likely publish, be successful teaching, and get the approval of their colleges. Setting aside large amounts of time did not work as well. Boice collected a number of principles to guide faculty members in how to use small amounts of time on...