GATHERINGS, NETWORKS & SERVANT LEADERSHIP Leadership and following (discipleship) are two sides to the same coin. “Discriminating and determined servants as followers are just as important as servant leaders, and everyone, may from time to time, be in both roles.” SL (18*) In a relationship between two persons, person A leads only if person B decides to follow. THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP “I now embrace the theory of prophecy, which holds that prophetic voices of great clarity and with quality of insight equal to that of any age, are speaking cogently all the time.” SL (22) Greenleaf recognizes the graced nature of servant leadership; the charism of discernment is given not only given to the prophet but also to seekers. “It is seekers who make prophets and the initiative of any one of us in searching for and responding to the voice of contemporary prophets may mark the turning point in their growth and service” SL (22) Therefore servant leader...