Leadership and following (discipleship) are two sides to the same coin.

“Discriminating and determined servants as followers
are just as important as servant leaders,
and everyone, may from time to time, be in both roles.” SL (18*)

In a relationship between two persons, person A leads only if person B decides to follow.


“I now embrace the theory of prophecy,
which holds that prophetic voices of great clarity
and with quality of insight equal to that of any age,
are speaking cogently all the time.” SL (22)

Greenleaf recognizes the graced nature of servant leadership;
the charism of discernment is given not only given to the prophet but also to seekers.

“It is seekers who make prophets
and the initiative of any one of us in searching for
and responding to the voice of contemporary prophets
may mark the turning point in their growth and service” SL (22)

Therefore servant leadership occurs within a community context.

The Rule of Saint Benedict regarded the monastic community as a school of service. Listening to one another and discernment were essential for all monks. The monk listened to the abbot; the abbot consulted the community especially the seniors but also including the youngest and the least experienced.

Similarly Peter Maurin envisioned the Catholic Worker with round table discussions as a place for “clarification of thought.

Commonweal gatherings are ideal places for discussion, listening and discernment.


For Greenleaf a central issue of our time is the legitimacy of authority.
True authority comes when love is expressed in service.
Servant love, not a benevolent care from above or afar, is true love.

“the only authority deserving one’s allegiance
is that which is freely and knowingly granted
by the led to the leader in response to,
and in proportion to, the clearly evident servant stature of the leader.” SL (24)

Greenleaf drafted his article in response to the student unrest that crested in 1968.
Criticism bent on destroying rather than building institutions was folly. However, challenges to authority are not only healthy but necessary in order to produce better leaders and better followers.

“Those who choose to follow this principle
will not casually accept the authority of existing institutions.” SL (24)

Servant leadership and care transforms existing relationships and institutions.
Persons, relationships and institutions
all become wiser, freer, more autonomous, and more caring.

“The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant
-first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served.
The best test and difficult to administer is this.
Do those served grow as persons?
Do they, while being served,
become healthier, wiser, freer,
more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? SL (27)

Greenleaf also had his version of the preferential option for the poor.

And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society?
Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived? "SL (27)


Capital is accumulated labor especially in the forms of human capital (talents, skills, virtues) social capital (institutions and social networks) and cultural capital (shared values, beliefs, ideas). Servant leadership requires spiritual capital (inspiration) but it is not sufficient”
“But a leader needs more than inspiration.

First of all we need people (human capital)
“ A leader ventures to say, ‘I will go; come with me

then mission and purpose (spiritual capital)
“ A leader initiates,”

with shared ideas and values (cultural capital)
“ provides the ideas “

and develops institutions and networks (social capital)
“and the structure”

while taking personal responsibility.
and takes the risk of failure along with the chance of success. SL(29)

Networks and gatherings around Commonweal can provide human capital and a shared culture, all the essential resources for a movement of inspired servant leaders.